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samedi 7 octobre 2023

Butter Pecan Cookies


°Chopped pecans, I used a cup.
°7 tsp unsalted butter.
°A third cup of granulated white sugar.
°A cup of brown sugar.
°Two big eggs.
°One tsp of vanilla extract.
°250 grams of all-purpose flour.
°Half a teaspoon of baking soda.
°A small pinch of salt
+To decorate, I used pecan halves on top of each cookie.


The first step:
First, I turned the oven temperature up to 350 degrees Fahrenheit and lined two baking sheets with parchment paper before I started baking.
The second step:
Next, using an electric mixer, I mixed the butter with the white granulated sugar, added the brown sugar, and kept whisking until I had a mixture that was light and creamy in texture. 
The third step:
Next I added the eggs and vanilla flavoring and continued whisking for another 2 minutes until well combined.
The fourth step:
Then, I added approx. 250g of all-purpose flour, baking soda, and salt immediately and stir until everything is well blended.
Fifth step:
Once finished, I used a medium spatula to set the balls onto the prepared baking sheet and coat each cookie with half a pecan.
Sixth step:
In this step, it's time to bake my famous cookies in the preheated oven for about 10-15 minutes, until the top is golden brown.
Cookies with Butter Pecans are especially appropriate for the holidays because their flavors are more complex than those of traditional Christmas cookies. Everyone will love their chewy edges, toasted taste and soft centers. If you really want to break out, which you should, break them up and sprinkle them on top of butter pecan ice cream. I really hope you enjoy them as much as we all did!!! have a 

Enjoy !

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